Marnie Hausauer
Sponsorship Committee
Leadership coaching—as a client—changed my life. I gained a greater sense of agency and of possibility for myself, my work, and those I led. I pay these gifts forward in my coaching.
A retired Federal Government leader, I spent almost 30 years first supporting decision-makers and later leveraging a Georgetown certificate in leadership coaching. Now a seasoned coach and leadership/organizational development practitioner, my joy is supporting clients to navigate life and leadership more fluidly through coaching and experiential workshops.
I have a special passion for helping individuals and organizations develop greater skill and ease amid complexity, change, and difference. When proven approaches aren’t working and their choices feel limited and limiting, I invite clients deeper. Digging beneath the surface of today’s challenges, clients can uncover and overcome more abiding, internal obstacles and spot connections across issues and work/life roles. Identifying and questioning previously invisible motives, interests, and constraints frees us to see and pursue more helpful alternatives.
I am an ICF-accredited Associate Certified Coach, a trained Growth Edge coach, and a certified Key Polarity IndicatorTM Practitioner.
Why I’m a Part of CCO:
The world needs more people at all levels of organizations and society who are self-aware and intentional about how they show up for themselves and with others, who are prepared to develop their way into greater capacity to meet the complex, messy challenges we face today. CCO’s mission, vision, and guiding principles speak to me on a deep level about a mindset and heart-set that can foster the leadership we need, one person, one organization at a time.
If we meet, you should ask me about:
My all-time favorite birthday gift (it involved jigsaw puzzles), recent progress on my shoreline
buffer project, or for updates on my collie adoption effort. Or share with me the best local
places for hiking and kayaking or your favorite independent bookstore.
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