Jennifer Johnson
Founding Partner, Board Member
Professional Experience:
What I love most about my work is coaching with leaders to be even better and leadership teams to be even stronger. I am passionate about facilitating teams in vision and strategy sessions, management coaching, leadership and team development and mediating conflicts. I enjoy meeting with people directly to work through personal conflict and development. I completed Coaching training from the University of St Thomas program and have been coaching internally at Medtronic and externally for the last 9 years.
CCO Impact:
I am involved in CCO, as it focuses on making our community even stronger. I have a strong passion to help people discover a better future state. Its focus on building strong coaches, making coaching available for people of all levels and backgrounds and helping organizations grow aligns with my personal interest. I am excited about the endless possibilities that will be created!
If We should meet…
Ask me about Golden Retriever rescue, how many gardens I have, a great dessert recipe, a recent travel or my community partnership work.
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